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Fast, reliable tools to advance your business
Find out exactly where specific products rank in Amazon's search engine. Track the rankings of any number of products on Amazon, for any marketplace, quickly and easily. 1000+ keywords can be tracked at once. See the results of your marketing and optimization, updated daily.
Get notified instantly when new reviews are posted for your products. Monitor customer feedback and respond quickly to both positive and negative reviews. Track up to 1000 products at once and receive email alerts as soon as new reviews are detected.
Keep watch over the Buy Box on your product listings. Receive automatic email alerts when a competitor steals the Buy Box from your listing. Results are updated many times per day.
Monitor seller feedback for your Amazon business or track your competitors. Receive instant email notifications when new feedback is posted, allowing you to respond quickly to negative feedback and protect your seller rating. Track up to 1000 sellers with daily updates.
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Everything you need to know about AMZShark
We created AMZShark to be the leading toolkit for Retailers and Brand Owners on Amazon. Our wide range of research software offers you the latest data to help you sell more products and skyrocket your rankings on Amazon.